Journal of Cultural Research Studies

A Blind Peer-Reviewed International Multidisciplinary Online Open Access Journal

International Peer-Reviewed Multi-Disciplinary, Multi-Lingual Research Journal in association with
Development and Research Academy for Folk and Tribes (DRAFT)

Code Of Ethics

Code Of Ethics

  1. The journal ‘Journal of Cultural Research Studies’ follow the double-blind peer-review process to select and publish articles (especially, research articles). The journal invites original works of authors to maintain its standard.
  2. Articles, submitted for this journal, should NOT be submitted or published somewhere else.
  3. Articles should strictly follow the latest guidelines on Plagiarism.
  4. Citations should be given properly following the instructions given in Guidelines for the Authors.
  5. Authors are liable for the contents submitted to the journal.
  6. Authors are requested to follow the Act of Copyright for the publication of their articles in this journal.
  7. For screening, final selection, and publication, the decisions, taken by the Board of Editors, are final.
  8. No official details are given to somebody else other than the person concerned.